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Saturday, October 09, 2010

Sweet Goldie Goodbye

Hello everyone and thanks for sticking with me. I know its been awhile since I posted a Realm of Fauna part. I assure you that it is not dead. But recent Real Life issues have made it difficult to write much.

I have 3 dogs, and as of this coming Monday I will have only one. The first loss, was my Golden Retriever (a rescue) that I have had for 3 years. She started not to eat and bleed a lot. I though at first that it was her cycle, but as a few days passed, it became worse, her appetite all but disappeared. Friday (8th), I could tell she was in pain, so I decided that I needed to take more action. I took her to the vet which confirmed what a friend had said. That she had cancer. That night among tears and sadness the vet put her to sleep.

Even now I miss her, I buried her in my field not far from the house. She was always giving me attention. She had been the light of my life. And to imagine at first I was reluctant to take her.

I was given her because she had killed other female dogs. I knew that if the Humane Society got her, they would put her to sleep, just because of this. So, I took her in. After a few days she began to bring me my socks. I then realized she needed a toy. I bought her a tuggy toy and she loved it. We would play tuggy for a long time. Later I got her a Kong ball. That was her favorite toy. She would ask me to play many, many times. She made sure that she always knew where the ball was. At night she would sleep up by my head and many times give me kisses. If I was sad, like when my dad passed away, she was right there giving me attention. She would lick the tears from my face with her warm tongue. She was one of the most loving dogs I have ever known.

Standing at her grave, looking at her one last time before i covered her for eternity with dirt. It was hard to believe she was gone. I put the ball between her front paws, as she seemed to sleep. I’m going to miss you with all my heart sweet Goldie girl. My love for you is forever.

Sadly, my sorrow is not over yet. My old boy Shadow is next. He too is old and ill at age 12 and Monday, those who read this had better expect another sad post from me.

***DogPhux 10/9/10** Will I get another dog? I don’t know. My hurt and loss is deep.***